المعرفة الباطنيّة GNOSIS    

  تأليف  بوريس مورافييف 

 تعريب وتقديم وتعليق  د/ فؤاد رامز

 الناشر مكتبة مدبولي 

arb frn

In 1964, Boris Mouravieff assigned Dr. Fouad Ramez, his esoteric initiated faithfull disciple to translate Gnosis volume 1 into Arabic

After nearly 40 years the translation is published for the first time in Cairo. A profound, eloquent, meticulous, LIVING translation was the blossom of the efforts of Dr Fouad Ramez for more than 30 years of hard work, growth & devolopment until he accomplished his mission victoriously by realizing this vivifying Arabic text equal to its original French living one

"The book's original language is Arabic! it could not be a translation" was the comment of the Egyptian elite who were reading avidly the perfect  Arabic text

A meticulous etymological translation taking all depths into consideration & transfering the French text to an identical Arabic one: It is an Arabization of the Tradition done under Boris Mouravieff's control & authorization




تصميم موقع . كم