Volume 1
The Exoteric Cycle
Study & Commentaries on the
Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy
Boris Mouravieff
Translated into Arabic by
Dr. Fouad Ramez
French Original Edition of 1969 reprinted in Cairo and available for sale

Translated into Arabic & English
Dr. Fouad Ramez
2nd Edition including Figures ammendments & additions
Gnosis in Arabic
The profound, eloquent, objective & esoteric arabic translation of the first volume of the great work of Gnosis has been published in Cairo. Dr Fouad Ramez, the translator, gave his life, knowledge & heart to this work. It took years & years to bring to light this Esoteric Tradition to the arabic reader. His objectivity & Consciousness made him able to transfer the living French text into a living Arabic text.
"The best arabic translation of French texts that has been published in the Arab world since ages" was the first comment of the Egyptian elite.
Chosen by Boris Mouravieff for this mission in 1964, Dr Fouad Ramez the only authorized Arabic translator by B. Mouravieff for the three volumes of Gnosis, deserved the confidence, trust & love of his master & transmitted the Gnostic Knowledge to enable us follow the Way.
May God give him light & peace in his heavenly after world life as promised in the Esoteric Tradition to those who have found the Way & conquered death.